I have spoilt myself and bought 2 new books from Amazon to add to my library of craft books which I must admit is getting quite big but you never know what you might learn so I class them as educational resources. No Mr T didn't fall for that line either but they are just so pretty.
This one by Poppy Treffry who does some fab stuff and she shows you how to do free machine embroidery from the very beginning. See educational.
This is one of my favourite things but I think it might take me a while before I can do any thing like this.
Then there is this one which has some great projects for the home.
There's a tea cosy like this as well both of which I love .
They are made from a felted jumper, embroidery thread and some fabric. I have all of that, think I'll give it a go- when I finish some of my other projects, don't seem to be able to get much done at the moment.
Then there this. I didn't buy this, I won it.
Just before Christmas I got an e-mail from Cloth magazine saying I had won a competition and it arrived on the same day as my parcel from Amazon so what a time I've been having. I had no idea what was in this book and look what I found.
I love her, I want her,
and him, Oh lord that to do list is growing again.
This little cross stitch motive is so pretty and I haven't done any cross stitch for years, I did it all the time when the kids were small so maybe it's time to go back to it.
I have my glasses now so I should be able to see the stitches again.
Oh look, beach huts and you all know how I am about beach huts.
On a sadder note, remember this photo from my last post.
All my beautiful fish happily swimming around.
Early Tuesday morning a bloody heron had the lot and I'm heartbroken. I've had some of them for several years and there were loads of there little ones in there as well. I know it's only the natural way of things( as my son kindly pointed out to me, he might just as well have said "man up Mum") but still I think they deserve 15 seconds silence, thats one second for every fish.
See you soon.