Saturday, 25 August 2012

August Monthly Make

August is time for Cromer Carnival and in my family
that means Fancy dress time.  
On the last day of the carnival there is a huge ticket only fancy dress party 
on the carnival field
with my children and their friends being
very enthusiastic  participants.
So of course Mum always gets called on for something,
This year it was frilly aprons for the Rag Doll costumes.

There were a couple more of them about
but you get the idea.

Wonder what it will be next year.


Monday, 20 August 2012

Lots of Questions

  1. Eileen from In my Playroom has given me an award which is very kind.

    The idea is that I tell you 11 things about myself, answer 11 questions that Eileen has asked, then pass it on to 11 others blogs with under 200 followers and ask them 11 questions.
    I not going to tell you 11 things about me because I'm very boring really and over the last few years there isn't much about me that hasn't been covered.
    I'm also not going to pass it on to any particular blogs as I follow so many it is difficult to pick which ones to give it to so it is open to anyone who wants it with the 11 questions at the bottom of the blog .
    Now to answer Eileens questions some of which were easy to answer but a others really had me thinking 
    1.Where do you work and what do you do?

    I no longer work as I retired early, I send my husband out to work and I do all sorts of things such as sewing and crochet etc.

  2. Have you ever won a prize in a competition and, if so, what did you win?

    We did win a trip to Paris in a raffle a couple of years ago, does that count as a competition?. Other than that I can't remember winning anything much

  3. What's your favourite song?

    This changes quite regularly but one that always springs to mind is Gerry Rafferty's "Baker Street". It reminds me of my late teens living and working in London.Mike and the Machanics "in the living years" always makes me cry as it came out just after my Dad died and "Easy" by the Commadores is one for me and Mr T.

  4. Documentary or drama - which do you prefer?

    I  do like a good historical documentary, Simon Schama or the one's that Ewan Macgregor did with his brother, not so keen on the ones following the people around. I also love a good conspiracy theory.

  5. Name the 4 guests (living or dead) you'd invite to a meal.

    Difficult one 
    Anne Bolyn- to find out if she was as bad as she was painted.
    Micheal Macintyre-for the entertainment.
    Jack Johnson--for the music
    Steve McQueen-just to look at.

  6. Sport - what's your favourite sport and are you a player or a spectator?

    I love most sport and these days am mostly a spectator but have tried alot of different sports from rock climbing to surfing. I do quite a lot of cycling and watch it a lot both live and on TV.

  7. Do you prefer to holiday abroad or stay at home?

    I love to travel and go to new places so any holiday is a good holiday.

  8. What scares you?


  9. In a crowd or on your own - where are you most at ease?

    On my own everytime, not good with crowds.
  10. Bath or shower?

    Shower in the Summer and Baths in the winter to warm me up.

  11. Do you ever listen to plays on the radio?
No I'm afraid not I'm a radio 2 girl.

Now my  questions to you

  1.  What was your first job?
  2. What is the best/favourite thing you have made?
  3. What do you consider your greatest achievement? (not including children--that's a given)
  4. What is your favourite children's book from your childhood?
  5. If money was no object where you would like to visit?
  6. Dogs or Cats?
  7. Town or Country?
  8. Have you ever been to a fancy dress party -if so what as?
  9. What is the favourite family meal in you house?
  10. What is your feel good film?
  11. What is your favourite decade and why?
So those are my questions which hopefully will make  you think even if you don't 
write a post about them.
Sorry about the number 1 at the top can't seem to get rid of it.

Have fun and see you soon.


Friday, 17 August 2012

Added Bonus

When the Olympics were awarded to London 7 years ago
Mr T and I were determined to make the most of this once in a lifetime experience,
which I think we have done.

The added bonus to our 3 days watching is that we have 
visited a couple of places that, until now have just been names on Motorway signs
as we drove somewhere else.

Guildford was our first stop for the cycling.
It provided our over night accommodation
as well as  some beautiful old buildings.

London was next, not exactly somewhere new
but great fun to visit anyway.
Spitalfields  market was our stop
 for lunch our way to the Volley ball in Earl's Court.

Dinner (Pizza) in Covent Garden

Then back to the railway station via the City of London.

And finally, Windsor and Eton for the day before the canoeing, 

We did a river trip up to this weir and back along the Thames

Which gave us a fabulous  view of the Castle on the way back.

Then we managed to see the changing of the guard,

before a bit of retail therapy.

After lunch it was over the bridge to see Eton College.
I was amazed to find out that the college is the 2nd largest land owner in the country
and of course they own Eton Dorney lake where we were the next day.

Then finally to our B&B and a walk along the 
Thames at Hurley which was beautiful.

Now it's back to reality,
whatever that is.

See you soon.


Saturday, 11 August 2012

A great Day

It isn't every day you can say you saw someone you know
 win a gold medal,
But that is what Mr T and I along with other members of my family did today.
Last October my nephews best man at his wedding was his
best friend,
 Ed McKeever.
Today we screamed  Cheered him to victory
at Eton Dorney 
and it was fantastic.

We had known for sometime that he was in with a good chance of getting a medal
which was why we applied for the tickets in the first place
and we are oh so glad we did.

We had an early start but it is a beautiful setting.

 The start line.

Oh Yes!!
The result confirmed on the big screen.

The down sides of the day--
I've lost my voice from all the cheering
I have Panda eyes were I've been wearing
sunglasses all day.
I think I can live with both.

It was a full house all along the short course.

A party atmosphere  with bands and dancers
after it had all finished for both
us and 

the wonderful games makers.
Having been to 3 events during the last 2 weeks
I have to say how fantastic these volunteers have been
with smiles and waves for hours on end and have 
helped make the atmosphere at these events absolutely amazing.

 And one for Helen- the undomesticated Scientist-
the bag she sent me in the Best of British Swap.

We had made a 2 day trip out of the occasion 
so next time will be our day in Windsor.


Sunday, 5 August 2012


Heres another Baby card for you to download if you wish.

Click here to Down load.
