Three weeks ago I started a 6 week course at Dragon Hall in Norwich called
Cut,Create Stitch.
I do one day a week and our tutor is one of the Textile lecturers
from the local collage.
I have to admit I didn't really know what to expect
other than looking at different things we can do with textiles
but I have to say I am loving it.
Dragon Hall is a Medieval Trading Hall
which has been restored and is used for all sorts of
things from Weddings to workshops,
Tudor minstrel shows to Vintage fairs.
It is a fabulous place to work although slightly dark.
Week One
The first day we had a real fright when we were
told we were going to do some drawing.
I am no artist--believe me and I wasn't the only one to have this reaction.
So the phrase was changed to making marks as she didn't want a picture more shapes for us to follow.
The first thing we did was some rubbing, like brass rubbing but on all sorts
of textured surfaces such as wood beams or brick floors,
which was great fun and really quite interesting as things really didn't come out how you thought they would look.
We then had 60 seconds to make a large representation of part of the wall in charcoal
rubbing lines out then turning the paper and doing it again and again.
This is one of the pictures I ended up with.
You can see all the beams that the hall is made up from
but it certainly changes the way I looked at
making marks.
The next thing we did was take one of our marks
and use it to make a mixed media picture by
adding paper, fabric, wools and stitching.
This is my effort.
My first mixed media art work
and I know it's no masterpiece but I'm quite pleased with it.
There is only one other lady on the course, which for the hall is a shame
but for us is great as we get almost one to one tuition.
This is her first picture which I think
shows off the beams better than mine but we noticed very quickly that we
look at things in a different way as I looked at a small part of the hall
such as a window or a doorway
whereas she took in the whole thing and covered the whole paper.
I need to take some better photos before I tell you
about the next week.
See you soon.