Here's my photo's for this month's Scavenger Hunt
which is run by Greenthumb at Made with Love.
1. Animal
A sheep in our way at the Lost gardens of Heligan.
2. Architectural detail
On the doorway to our town Church.
3. Eyes
I found these eyes quite disturbing peering at me
again at Heligan.
4. Light
On a building in Swansea.
5. Little
This is a display case at the Eden project
showing little things made from natural fibres.
6. Ice Cream
Which one to choose.
St. Ives graveyard with it's amazing view.
8. Rooftops
The view from the car park we used in St. Ives
9. 60
10. Art
The millennium tapestry in
Ramsbury Church in Wiltshire
certainly a work of art.
11. Purple
My purple columbines or Grannies bonnet or
aquilegia what ever you prefer to call it.
12. Ring
Another of the flower arrangements
in our local flower festival.
So time for me to see what everyone else has done and see
what we have to find next month.
Looking forward to it.