Well how about that my first Module is done and passed
so I am feeling very pleased with myself at the moment.
After the Doodle stage you saw in my last post ( too many weeks ago)
I went on to colouring the design in loads of different ways
and in different mediums.
It felt a little like painting by numbers or
one of those colouring books for adults ( which I love)
that all the rage at the moment.
The whole idea of the first few modules is to
get you into the swing of design so
the next exercise was mark making.
There was a bit more to it than just making a grid of
different marks but I love the look of this grid more than
some of the sketches I came up with.
This was my final design which I'm not overly pleased with,
I can see things I would changed but the process
is great fun and a total revelation to me.
The work handed in at the end of the module
is a power point presentation showing the
work you have done and the various results and then
sewn examples of certain patchwork blocks.
4 blocks had to be hand sewn, which are the ones
above, and 4 machine sewn, the ones below.
So having had a fantastic holiday in Madiera
it's on to module 2 which is all about Shape.
Speak again soon.