I realised the other day that I haven't been showing you my monthly makes
but just been putting them onto Flickr.
So this month I have remembered.
I have been made to feel guilty by Justine at Sew Justine Sew who is completing all her unfinished projects. It made me remember that I had a dress cut out ready to sew. I brought the fabric in Bruni on my trip last year and it's a nice fine silk.
Anyway I have finished it and,although this isn't a good photo, it's looks great on. I just need my little one to put it on so I can do the hem.
Having done this I was inspired to make myself something else. Remember my trip to the auction recently(here), well, I decided to try and use one of the pieces to make a skirt.
The fabric it's self is cotton with machine embroidery. I think it was originally a tablecloth but had been cut down.
The pattern was on old simplicity one that I used years ago and like a lot of things I hadn't got rid of.
I always knew it was good to be a hoarder.
It has turned out better than I could hoped as it fits like a glove and the scalloped edge forms the hem which for me is great. I hate sewing the hems.
The thing I most pleased with is the back seam. I have layered it so that the scalloped edge shows down the back and forms the rear kick split.
All I need now is a holiday or somewhere to wear them .
Speak again soon.