Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Blog Hopping

Would you believe  I have come down with a cold so soon in
the New Year , so I am curled up on the sofa with
some hot lemon and doing a bit of blog hopping.
I like to do this sometimes as you find some great new blogs
to have a browse through and todays one is called
"2 bags Full" and she has come up with this great idea
of having an online blog party.
 For us blog hoppers I think it's a fantastic way of 
finding new blogs to read and to get new followers to your own blog.
So watch this space on the 25th when I will be writing a special post
especially for the party.

Gill x

P.S. Sorry folks I should have said click on the 
Grow your blog button in my side bar for the link.


  1. I have never heard of a blog party..........
    Is there a link?
    Julie xxxxxxxxx


    1. Sorry Julie I should have said click on the side button.

  2. Sorry to hear you have a cold - I hope you feel better soon. Happy New Year, Pj x

  3. Hope you get over the dreaded lurgy and feel better soon. I took part in Vicky's party last year and it was great fun hopping around and discovering some fab new blogs - so I've signed up again this year... see you there!
