Monday, 20 January 2014

Old Friends and A New Toy

I have had a page on Facebook,
 under my real name not Dosie Rosie, for several years now.

My daughters set it up for me as
 It was the easiest way for me to keep in touch with my children
while they were travelling around the world.
I was more likely to get a message on Facebook from Asia
or South America than I was a phone
call and  if any of them even used Facebook 
I at least knew they were alright.

Now the children have settled down and certainly
 over the last 12 months, it has taken on 
a very different roll for both my husband and me.

When we moved from London over 20 years ago
we left behind lots of old friends and work colleagues
which, certainly for the first couple of years, I found very hard.

Then I found a group on facebook
which was affiliated to our old work and 
have found many old friends that I lost contact with 
many many years ago.
What is even stranger is that when you compare notes
you find so many coincidences and places when
we might have been in the same place at the same time.
Holidays taken just down the road from us, attending the same 
concert or in one case, also moving to Norfolk and living not far away.
We will be meeting up soon I hope.

So one of those faces I have seen and said to my husband
"they look familiar",  might indeed have been someone I went to school with
or worked with many years ago 
as it turns out it really is a small world.

seeing some of the old photos that people have put on
the site have caused great hilarity .

The new Toy? 
well I got a new camera for Christmas and the photos are
some of the pictures I have taken while trying to
get the hang of it.

Hope to see you on the 25th for my 
 Grow Your Own Blog post.



  1. Gill... My connection with Facebook began because of my granddaughter. Her mom was a hard working single mother at the time. I wanted to assist in keeping an eye on the pre-teen. Since I had the time, I jumped in. However, it has become a wonderful place to reconnect with long time friends as well as keep up with what's going on in the lives of both friends and family. The teenager is fine and did not require my "nosy" supervision afterall. She has a good head on her shoulders! Your photos are awesome! Enjoy your new toy! Smiles...Susan

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment Susan.x

  2. Gill, I joined facebook after being quite scornful about it, so that I could keep up with my musical friends from the Burwell Bash. From there it just grew! I have family in Australia and New Zealand and around the UK so it is brilliant keeping in touch with them. Also, friends around the UK. And then there are the Breakfast Club - friends from all over the place who tend to fb while they breakfast and the banter and news exchanged is a really nice way to start the day. Photo and video exchanging is enabled at the click of a mouse - how brilliant is that! And instant messaging is great too - my grand son at Uni can sned me his scripts for proof reading and we catch up on the day, there are lots of annoying things about FB but I wouldn't be without it! Lx

  3. I joined facebook initially because the children started using it and I probably use it just as much as they do, if not more!! It's been lovely to catch up with old school friends and your right about the old photos xx
